Saturday, June 2, 2007

Blogger Profiles: Only One per User

Ahh, Blogger. I'm back! I've been away for a week, in Ireland, and in that time I have forgotten one of the things which bugs me about Blogger: it allows just one profile per user, rather than multiple profiles, to be assigned to various Blogs to which the user contributes.

Pretty confounding, the policy. A blog is specialized, geared to a particular interest from a unique point of view. Should not the Profile likewise be customised to fit the blog?

I have a second blog, in which I ramble about most anything, in a 'freewheelin' manner. The blog can be a bit informal and insulting, providing a bulwark against me ever obtaining employment by a company that has U.S. government contracts. Readers of the blog who click "About Me->profile" will see that I'm a "user interface designer." Why? Because that is the profile I created when creating this here blog. When I realized Blogger was all about a UNIFIED BEING, enforcing a one to many relationship among profiles and blogs, I retained the new profile.

Now, I think I'll remove the "modular" altogether, and insert custom HTML in each blog's pane, that identifies a unique profile.

In the meantime, the brains at Google might consider allowing multiple profiles.