Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Navigate Blogs via Labels

Imagine if your favorite website was only navigable via the Dates that the pages were updated. So, if you were at NY times, you wouldn't see 'Sports', 'Business'... you would see 'April 5, 9:30am', 'April 5, 9:42am'..... Ludicrous, right? And yet most bloggers leave a Year – Month archive as the only way for readers to find content (past posts).

Blogger now allows its bloggers to insert a module that displays "labels", the descriptive keywords that the blogger attaches* to his post. I just added it to this blog, this past week. Labels are more relevant to a reader's aims than just the Numbers which are Dates. Sure, a date can imply content. A December 06 post is a likely spot to find rambling about, oh, Christmas... snow. But there is no need to limit the imagination and interests of our dear readers! Labels aka tags (I'll write a post about those synonyms and various syntax of same Friday) cut right to the subject.

Hopefully, the Tag Module will catch on. Today, a random survey of 15 blogs found just 2 which offered Label Navigation. Blogger should promote it upon Login. Heck, otherwise, the blogger only finds it by clicking on Template and browsing the possible Page Elements. And heck, as long as I'm in 'tell Blogger what to do' mode, add this:

* Let Readers label posts, as well as the author. When readers come to a blog with Label Navigation, they would be able to view, together, both the author and other readers' labels.

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