Thursday, July 19, 2007

Moron Water

Following up from most recent post, here is more on using water.

When you must add water into or onto an object where there is a threat of adding too much, then you should use a measuring pitcher (cups are for solids; pitchers, liquid).

If no measuring pitcher, then use another intermediary vessel--you'll have control if not accuracy. Add water from control device incrementally.

If you do not have or wish to employ an intermediary vessel, but are 'winging it' directly under water source (sink tap) then:

First, turn on the water source and set to a flow rate you deem prudent. A slow rate gives you control.*

Then, place the receiving object beneath the tap.

Keep the object beneath the tap until it collects a sufficient water amount.

You can remove, mix, and return to tap as you need.

[*More can always be added (so long as there's a water supply) but you do not want to have to Remove Water, and in many cases you can't.]

Success! Your casserole is going to turn out just fine! If you are going to be Adding Water regularly, then you might consider springing for a good measuring pitcher and cleaning it so that it is ready for use.

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