I work on floor 22 of a 25 story building serviced by 3 'cars.'
Often during high traffic elevator periods, such as 5:30pm, when descending to the lobby, the elevator stops at a floor and opens its doors to an empty lobby.
It occurred to me that the people waiting on those floors received a better offer. Having pressed each car's call button, they boarded the first arrival--and departed. It was wise of them to hedge their bets... but it needlessly delayed my car and its population.
I envisioned a 'cancel' button placed next to each down and up button in the lobby. Today a "cancel button elevators" Google informed me that a Mike Golding at 'whynot.com' had the same idea. The comments on that page reveals that some elevators, inside the car, have a deselect function for any button. Pressing it once 'selects;' twice, deselects. Practical idea.
If the lobby 'call' buttons had that same feature, they wouldn't need an extra button--just the same double-click deselect ability. But I do not think a Cancel function would solve the problem of 'deserters' aka 'phantom callers', because it requires humans doing something without self-incentive. What would the caller gain by cancelling his request? Indeed, he may even endanger his acceptance into the 'white night' elevator, by taking time to cancel the other calls. [ Picture how callers center themselves before the row of elevators, again 'hedging their bet.' When the far-left lift arrives, would they time or inclination to shuffle over to cancel the far right call? Unlikely.]
I have some ideas how to solve this issue, and will share such fruits in a future post. Please chime in with your own.
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